Don is a wonderful speaker who would love to help make your event a success! He shares on a variety of topics, from his own conversion story to the sexual revolution to how to evangelize more effectively. To request more information or book Don, please use this contact form.

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Topics Include:


The Sexual Revolution

  • A Pope, the Pill, and the Perils of Sexual Chaos
  • Why Humane Vitae is Right
  • Sex, Women, and the Search for Something More

Why Catholic?

  • The Treaure: Exploring the Hidden Riches of the Catholic Faith
  • How a Protestant Evangelist Found His Home in the Catholic Church
  • The Catholic Moment: Why Catholicism is Actually What our Culture is Looking For Right Now
  • Why People Become Catholic and What You Can Do to Help Them Along

General Apologetics and Evangelism

  • How to Talk to a Skeptic: An Easy to Follow Guide to Everyday Apologetics
  • 10 Reasons People Reject Christianity: Understanding Why Skeptics Won’t Follow Jesus
  • Relational Apologetics: The Role of Listening and Asking Questions in Evangelism
  • Advancing the Kingdom of God in a Postmodern Culture: Spreading the Gospel to People who Don’t Believe in Truth
  • Using the Old Testament to Explain the Story of Jesus
  • Telling the Story of Jesus: How to Explain the Gospel as a Story Rather Than a Fact Sheet

Evidence for the Truth of Christianity

  • Miracles are Nothing to be Ashamed Of: Why You Should Use Personal Experiences of God in Evangelism and How to Do it Without Sounding like a Loon
  • Christianity and Pagan Myths: How to Answer the Skeptic’s Charge that Jesus is Just another Ancient Hero Tale
  • They Still Haven’t Found What They are Looking For: How to Use the Universal Human Experience of Longing and Guilt to Open a Door to the Gospel


  • Is God an Egomanic? Why God Requires Worship and Sacrifice
  • The Reason for the Rules: How to Understand God’s Law
  • 5 Truths About God that almost Every Skeptic Gets Wrong
  • Why Hell is Just and Heaven Won’t be Boring: Answering Objections to Christian Claims about the Afterlife
  • Why Christians Focus so Much on Abortion and Homosexuality (And are Right to Do So)
  • Beloved Sons of God: What we Learn About Jesus from Old Testament Sons
  • The Meaning of Life According to God: Answers to Our Five Biggest Questions
  • Why Did Jesus Have to Die? Answering Objections to the Atonement

It was such a blessing to have Don here! I’ve heard so many wonderful comments from those who attended the mission. Parishioners continue to come up to me and share moments from the talks that had an impact on them and tell me how the mission has enriched their faith. It is really great to see people so excited about the Church!

Jackie VandenBergh

Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation/Pastoral Associate, St. Susanna Catholic Church, Plainfield, Indiana

I first met Don when he was entering the Catholic Church. Don came into the Church with a strong relationship with God and Jesus in particular. Don has a high level of theological expertise and has been able to guide me through my questions of faith and the Church. He is clear, organized and detailed and his presentation style reflects this. He delivers complex concepts in a reasonable and understandable way, with timely humor. He holds everyone’s attention while teaching while never slipping into a dull and lifeless delivery. Don has improved our parish wherever he has involved himself. I recommend him without reservation!

Deacon Gerard Wallace

St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church, Huntington Beach, CA.

Don Johnson presents thoroughly researched topics that integrate Biblical doctrine with historical theology wrapped in a practical and proven delivery with contemporary threads that resonate with his audience. His provocative insights reach the listener at an intellectual level that is challenging yet engaging to the audience. Don’s years of study and practice in apologetics and evangelism enables him to draw from his knowledge and an array of experiences when addressing topics such as how to talk to a skeptic in a tested and refined manner. His compassion and gentleness shows quickly. When coupled with his desire to reach others and his respect for them, Don provides a remarkable ability to convey a compelling Christian message to both believers and skeptics alike.

Jim Piotrowski

Chapter Director, Ratio Christi

Don is an awesome speaker who has spoken at our annual community outreach conferences here in southern California. His presentations have been interesting, informative and very helpful to those wanting to share their faith with others who may be skeptical and doubting.

Charlie Corum


I am super impressed with the ministry of Don Johnson. He deeply understands different worldviews and how to present Jesus Christ and Christianity. His seminars are a definite ‘”don’t miss!”

Stan Gabriel

Global Leadership Develop Team, CRU

Don Johnson Media