Ways to Use Convinced in Your Parish

Churches all over North America are using Convinced to encourage and deepen the faith of their parishioners and reach out to their community. Here are some options:

Host or attend a screening of the film in your community.

From showing Convinced to your RCIA class to inviting the whole community to your church or a local theater, a group screening is a powerful experience that we highly recommend.

Details on various screening options.

Suggestions and resources to help make the most of a screening in your area.

Order Convinced DVDs in bulk.

Churches are using the DVD in a variety of ways, including:

  • Giving them away to various groups within the parish, such as the RCIA and adult formation classes, or providing them to the entire parish!
  • Providing them for sale. This is particularly effective if used in conjunction with a screening. Inevitably, people come out of the theater wanting to purchase DVDs to give away to their family and friends, or just to own so they can watch it again.

To get more information about bulk pricing, please contact us.

Teach a class or host discussion groups based on the movie.

You can find discussion questions by clicking here, as well as a downloadable leader resource to help with the conversation. Also, go here for a list of further resources associated with the film.

Invite Don or one of the stars of the film to speak.

Check out some of Don’s topics here, and please contact us to find out more about scheduling him or one of the other stars of Convinced to appear at your event.

Don Johnson Media