Dear Friends,
As you know, over the past few years, a transgender tsunami has swept the nation. What is going on? How did it come to this? And who or what is behind it? Those are the questions I’ve been traveling the country trying to answer. I’ve talked to parents, teachers, doctors, therapists, pastors, professors, and transitioners of all kinds, and we are almost ready to tell that story in my new film, Dysconnected.
Unfortunately, as you probably also know, censorship has become a huge problem, and it is very difficult to get the word out. Some discussions are simply not allowed on certain social media platforms, and an objective conversation about the transgender issue is one of them. For example, just this past week I’ve had several short videos get banned from TikTok for “Hateful Behavior.” These videos had tens of thousands of views and thousands of comments and likes in the few hours they were allowed to show, but were deemed too dangerous for the trans cult.
Here are the videos in question – you be the judge.
I think you will agree that these are not hateful videos. Indeed, they are just the opposite. The experts in the film are speaking out because we love our kids and want what’s best for them. The trans industrial complex doesn’t. Please help us get around the censors by:
- Sharing this project through whatever social media will let you, as well as email and word of mouth
- Supporting this project financially, which will help us finish post production and set up distribution which won’t be reliant on the big tech companies. On top of that, you can get some amazing resource packages from some of the experts interviewed in the film!
You can donate and learn more about the film here, as well as see the various resource packages available.
Thank you so much for your support! Please let me know if you have any questions. God bless you, Don